Report Kahikatea Decline

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Kahikatea trees have been dying in some parts of the Waikato region and it is not yet fully understood why. To help us understand more about the cause and to protect this iconic tree, please let us know if you see any instances of decline.
Let us know if you have seen any other species dying in the same location as kahikatea trees, and please state the species if you can.
Let us know if you have seen any other species dying in the same location as kahikatea trees, and please state the species if you can.
Let us know if you have seen any other species dying in the same location as kahikatea trees, and please state the species if you can.
Let us know if you have seen any other species dying in the same location as kahikatea trees, and please state the species if you can.
If you have a photo(s) to submit of your Kahikatea tree(s) of concern, whether grazed or not you can upload these here.
For example:

1. A landscape photo, indicating the general location of the tree/s (park, farm, forest etc)

Landscape photo Landscape photo Landscape photo Landscape photo

2. Canopy/leaves of the tree/s showing ill health

Canopy leaves of tree Canopy leaves of tree Canopy leaves of tree Canopy leaves of tree

3. Any damage to the trunk (e.g. splitting, bark falling)”

Damage to trunk

4. Any other aspects of the trees’ appearance that are of concern to you


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